The Maker-Checker Concept

The Maker-Checker Concept of 1ViewTask includes an Assignee, Reviewer, and Escalation. The Assignee is the one who is supposed to work on the task. After the needful is completed, the task automatically moves on to the Reviewer who makes sure that the work is checked. Lastly, in case the task has not been completed, the Escalation Manager will be able to see it and take the required action. The concept is brand new and contributes to easy Task Management.

Get Started

1ViewTask background

The Process of Task Creation

First, name your task and select the option of Public/Private, and add Tags for a better search.

Default Worklow
default workflow

Next to the Task Name option, you can choose the Priority of your task as per your need.

Add a short description to your task, if required.

1view flow banner
Default flow of 1ViewTask

From the Recurrence Pattern, select One Time or any other option that suits the appearance range of the task.

Select the Assignee, and Estimated Time required to complete the task.

default workflow
1Viewtask default workflow

Select the Reviewer’s Name, estimated time, and Escalation (if needed).

Select the Activity/Sub-Activity, Client/Location, Compliance Type, Section, and Penalty Cost for better reporting.

1ViewTask default flow
Defautl Worfklow banner

At last, attach documents related to the task (if needed). These documents will display as the Master Level Document.

Finally, click on Publish and your task will begin to display on your main screen.

1ViewTask Flow